I'm a podcaster, educator, and other who loves to talk about mobile & XR technology, design, and business & entrepreneurship. Subscribe to my newsletter. Check your spam folder for a confirmation email and whitelist it-guy.com
Another Cozy WWDC - visionOS This past Wednesday, developers from around the world joined Apple in-person and online for a day of visonOS talks. Apple's own Vision Pro evangelists gave presentations on designing for Vision Pro, best practices and some really cool examples which are on the App Store already. They also had chat running all day as they took questions for attendees. They closed the event with a live Q&A with the audience both in-house and online. No Spoilers, since Apple is...
BlueSky Weeknd https://go.bsky.app/9kfduUc This past weekend many of us fell into the BlueSky rabbit hole. I joined BlueSky back in July 2023, and it kind of sat on my iPhone waiting for people to post. I'd occasionally remember to cross-post along with Twitter, Mastodon and Threads. BlueSky was pretty much an afterthought. Then at the beginning of November, I started getting new followers en masse. During the first Sunday, the flood gates opened when I previously had around 100 followers....
Ultra-wide Display on Vision Pro & Mac Mini M4 This week the visionOS 2.2 beta and macOS 15.2 beta dropped, which includes the much anticipated Mac mirroring Ultra-wide Display on Vision Pro. This provides the Mac mirrored display with three choices; the original 16 x 9 ~40" 4K display, a wide display, and an ultra-wide panoramic display. I tried it out by installing the macOS 15.2 beta on an external SSD, while sitting at my 60" desk. The ultra-wide mode, wrapped around the desk on a huge...